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Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Different Take on Change

It’s time for a major change and probably half of our population isn’t going to like it. Here’s the change: It’s time that women take over leadership in the U.S. No, wait a minute, make that the whole world. Why, you ask – I’ll tell you why.

Women are probably smarter than men or at least intellectual equals. Everyone who’s been in our school system, which is just about everyone in the U.S., knows this. Historically they were excluded from the academic world and were therefore at a disadvantage, but when given the chance to compete with men at basic and higher education they’ve proven equal or better at such learning skills.

Women are by and large emotionally more mature and less aggressive than men. Look around, with some minor exceptions it’s plain to see. Women don’t usually start wars, fight in armies, join gangs bent on violence, and try to physically impose their will, intimidate, or coerce others. Women like to talk about things; men like to hit each other. Men’s aggressive and violent nature has led humanity to constantly wage war, exploit and subjugate the weaker, and generally has caused mayhem and misery wherever their path has led. Can there be any denial of this?

Yes, yes, there are some exceptions in both sexes one can always bring up: women warriors, women tyrants, psychopathic and sociopathic women throughout history, as well as men who don’t behave as aforementioned, but in aggregate this percentage in any society is so small as to be statistically insignificant. Women tend not to destroy and tear asunder, but to build and maintain. Men like blowing the crap out of things.

Maybe all this is biological – genetic, chemical and/or psychological, but the fact remains women are superior when it comes to valuing life and men are superior when it comes to destroying life forms. Women tend to cooperate, men tend to compete. Which attribute do you think is more conducive to a (reasonably) sane and harmonious world? Which attribute is likely to lead to conservation and which to annihilation? What has the history of men as leaders and the dominant sex shown us? Men have become so proficient at aggression and destruction that they’ve created the very weapons that can, in one afternoon, reduce almost all life on the planet to ashes and ruin; forever lethally polluted with radioactivity. We know this to be a fact.

So in light of everything we know to be true about men and women, played out over millennia, it’s time for a radical change. All leadership positions – government, industry, education, health care – you name it, has to be turned over to women. And here’s the kicker; even the head of household roll. Ooh, that must hurt, guy readers.

But freak out not, guys, there’s plenty for us to do. Most of it involves upper body strength, but not everything. Let’s look at this logically. What are we best at? Yes, drinking beer or wine or whatever and getting loaded; getting all juiced up on sports; arguing; showing off; having pissing contests for arc and distance, and screwing or imagining screwing every female on the planet. Oh yeah, and barbeque. I think that about covers it; the important stuff anyway.

So that still leaves us with what to do. What should guys be doing all day? How about housework? Upper body strength is very handy for this. Farm work? Yes, by all means, perfectly suited. There’s construction and environmental reclamation. There’s public safety work – police, fire, crossing guards, etc., – and men can still be doctors, lawyers, CPAs, teachers and the like; they just can’t run any hospitals or firms or organizations. That’s the lady’s; excuse me, the women’s domain.

Sports are still totally open to guys, but they can’t own any teams. The women owners and CEOs will make the trades for players, and in the long run it’ll probably be a more even playing field vis-à-vis team strength. Guys can still own small businesses and do their club things – Moose, Rotary, Lions, etc. – play softball, touch football or basketball on weekends and pretend they’re pros, and coach and talk about sports endlessly, as always.

There’s other stuff guys can do and are equipped for, but I’m afraid shopping is not one; for that we need robots, but when it comes to leading the country or making big decisions that affect populaces, uh unh. One small exception would be installing Sarah Palin in any leadership position; we’re talking qualified women here with reasonable intelligence. Guys, we’ve had our turn for tens of thousands of years, and we all know that slightly below the surface, or blatantly outright we’re still barbarians.

So suck it up, guys, it’s time the women took over. They can’t possibly do any worse than we have and odds are they’ll do a lot better and we’ll all be happier. If they screw it up in the coming millennia we’ll talk about a change then.

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